Supporting Your Choices

See which abortion service is the most suitable for you by looking down below.

  • Medical Abortion

    Our qualified, caring medical staff offers abortion care for up to 11 weeks. We are here to guide you in making your choice and to ensure your safety at all times.

  • Surgical Abortion

    Our qualified, caring staff offers abortion care for up to 16 weeks. We offer sedation, pain relief, and as many other comforts as we can to make you comfortable and at ease throughout the procedure.

  • Ultrasounds and Abortion

    When it comes to getting an abortion or choosing any pregnancy option for that matter, the most important aspect is your own health. Understand why ultrasounds are required when you’re considering an abortion.

  • Thinking about Abortion

    Trying to decide if abortion is the best option for you? You are the only one who can decide what is best for you, but with the right information and assistance, you can make the choice that is best for your health and well-being.

Pregnancy Calculator

Based on the date you entered; if you are less than 11 weeks, you have the option to have a medical or surgical abortion. Should you reach 10 weeks and 6 days, you only are eligible for a surgical procedure.

Note: Keep in mind that this is a basic client-side calculator and that it won't be 100% accurate. For a more accurate date, you may want to consult a healthcare professional to accurately determine the length of your pregnancy and what options are available.


  • First-trimester abortions are among this country's most commonly performed out-patient surgeries. The vacuum aspiration procedure we use here is very safe and serious complications are rare.

  • This depends on the length of your pregnancy and which abortion procedure is chosen. Your payment will include the prep work (ultrasound, lab work, etc.), medication, anesthesia, and all follow-up care at our clinic. Please feel free to contact us and we can give you a clearer answer based on your personal circumstances.

  • This varies from one woman to another. You are likely to have some cramping and bleeding over the two weeks or so following your surgery. You can take any non-aspirin pain reliever for the cramping; we find that Aleve seems to work best for most women. Using a heating pad can also help your cramping. The bleeding may be anything between light spotting and a heavy menstrual-type flow, and you may pass clots as well.

  • This also varies. A lot depends on how you feel about the pregnancy to begin with, and what has brought you to the decision to terminate it. It's important to have support as well, and if you need someone to talk to we're glad to be available for you and you can make an appointment to come in for counseling if you want to discuss your options.

  • Yes, there are usually some protesters outside. They are not allowed on the property which means that they must stay on the sidewalk outside of our parking lot. They may not touch you or your vehicle and they are not allowed into the parking lot. They want you to stop and talk with them and read the literature they hand out, but you are under no obligation to acknowledge them if you don't want to.

  • Our regular appointments require you to be here with a number of other patients. You will all fill out paperwork and have lab work completed as a group before you have counseling to explain how the procedure is done and how to take care of yourself afterward. Then, each of you will have counseling individually before you see the doctor.

    • Identification. We will need to see an ID with a photo and date of birth. We need to verify your age for certain services.

    • If you are under 18 years old, we will accept your social security card, health insurance card, school ID, or your recent report card as identification.

    • Your payment is in the form of cash, VISA, or Mastercard.

    • Patients who choose to receive moderate sedation are required to have a designated driver present prior to the procedure.

    • Wear comfortable clothes for your appointment. We provide pads, so we recommend that you wear underwear.

    • For security reasons, we ask that you leave purses or bags in your car, and we do not allow electronics (phones, iPads, smart watches, really anything that takes a picture) in the clinic.

      • Please bring something like a book or journal to keep you entertained during your visit.

  • Only visitors can accompany patients who choose to take an optional one-time, pre-procedural dose of anti-anxiety medication (called valium), minors, translators, and support persons for individuals with disabilities.

    NOTE: Patients who choose to receive a one-time, pre-procedural dose of anti-anxiety medication (Valium) ARE required to have a designated driver present prior to the procedure.

  • Please don’t have any street drugs (such as; aspirin, alcohol, marijuana, etc.) 48 hours prior to your appointment. If you’ve used these substances, the health care provider may not be able to offer you pain medication or may not be able to perform your abortion at all. It is usually OK to take your prescribed medicines; please mention any when you make your appointment.